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Sunday Sermon - 07/28/2019 - 1 Corinthians 5:1-5

Opening Prayer:

O Holy God, though all manner of distractions and temptations and assaults have threatened to harm the Church of Christ, nevertheless you protected your people this past week, such that we still hold to the truth of the Gospel. Truly, “though the Lord be on high, he cares for the lowly,” and though we “walk in the midst of trouble, you keep [us] safe... your right hand shall save [us].” Thank you for faithfully tending to your people, even us in our day. May you be pleased by the praises and thanks offered by your church today.

We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Closing Prayer:

O Holy God, the mighty work of salvation is done entirely by Jesus Christ, without any help from creature, for work of Jesus Christ is so completely perfect that any addition to it, however well-intentioned, would only soil his work and glory. And, what work can we mere mortals do to save ourselves from the woes and sores of our own sin, and from the just punishment that awaits us for our self-worship? Humanity cannot by force of will become pure, or maintain righteous desires, or continually harbor loving thoughts, or sustain the noble use of our bodies, and so we cannot initiate reconciliation with you, the holy the Creator. O Lord, such is the great offense of the cross of Christ, that for all the planning and creativity and hopes of humanity, no moral good is rooted in us, and our inner thoughts and silent desires join us to the mob, and the our actions shout, “Crucify him.”And yet you teach us, “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” O God, you truly are our Father, providing for us the mighty Christ to do the work of salvation that we cannot do! You care for us in our moral inability and invite us to partake in your abundant goodness and love; calling us to greater holiness, yet all the while holding us upright, lest we trip over our own zeal mixed with imperfect desires! Truly, our lot is merely to “reap the fields and make the harvest joy our own!” O Father, thank you for your love. O Christ, thank you for doing the mighty work of salvation! O Spirit, thank you for opening our eyes to see our own moral inability and to see the perfect salvation offered by the Father inJesus Christ. Glory to God, to him who is all-loving, all-righteous, all-mighty.

We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ and for his glory. Amen.

Sunday Sermon - 1 Corinthians Message 12


1 Corinthians 5:1-5

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